ivanjobs.github.io - Mesos GC原理解析

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Mesos GC原理解析 | Ivan的博客

gc的对象是什么? 下面是Agent上work_dir下的目录规划: // root ('--work_dir' flag) // |-- slaves // | |-- latest (symlink) // | |-- // | |-- frameworks // | |-- // | |-- executors // | |-- // | |-- runs // | |-- latest (symlink) // | |-- (sandbox) // |-- meta // | |-- slaves // | |-- latest (symlink) // | |-- // | |-- slave.info // | |-- frameworks // | |-- // | |-- framework.info // | |-- framework.pid // | |-- executors // | |-- // | |-- executor.info // | |-- runs // | |-- latest (symlink) // | |-- (sandbox) // | |-- executor.sentinel (if completed) // | |-- pids // | | |-- forked.pid // | | |-- libprocess.pid // | |-- tasks // | |-- // | |-- task.info // | |-- task.updates // |-- boot_id // |-- resources // | |-- resources.info // |-- volumes // | |-- roles // | |-- // | |-- (persistent volume) // |-- provisioner GC的对象就是这里的目录。至于每个目录业务上意义,不是本篇的重点,故略去。
.io > ivanjobs.github.io

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Title Mesos GC原理解析 | Ivan的博客
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Keywords cloud Ceph << Mesos Python mesos usage timer symlink removalTime = latest OpenStack void 笔记 deletion directories executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge paths time disk
Keywords consistency
Keyword Content Title Description Headings
Ceph 14
<< 11
Mesos 8
Python 7
mesos 6
usage 6
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 0 4 0 0 0
Images We found 1 images on this web page.

SEO Keywords (Single)

Keyword Occurrence Density
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Mesos 8 0.40 %
Python 7 0.35 %
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usage 6 0.30 %
timer 6 0.30 %
symlink 4 0.20 %
removalTime 4 0.20 %
= 4 0.20 %
latest 4 0.20 %
OpenStack 4 0.20 %
void 3 0.15 %
笔记 3 0.15 %
deletion 3 0.15 %
directories 3 0.15 %
executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge 3 0.15 %
paths 3 0.15 %
time 3 0.15 %
disk 3 0.15 %

SEO Keywords (Two Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density
latest symlink 4 0.20 %
disk usage 3 0.15 %
existing timer 2 0.10 %
the next 2 0.10 %
LOGINFO << 2 0.10 %
Ceph v1023 2 0.10 %
Mesos GC原理解析 2 0.10 %
Timeout removalTime 2 0.10 %
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deletion time 2 0.10 %
timer = 2 0.10 %
Ceph RGW 2 0.10 %
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symlink 2 0.10 %
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SEO Keywords (Three Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
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disk usage << 2 0.10 % No
latest symlink 2 0.10 % No
最新文章 dev ops 1 0.05 % No
string path来安排一个item的GC,schedule负责添加新的 item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: 1 0.05 % No
path来安排一个item的GC,schedule负责添加新的 item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: Fires 1 0.05 % No
item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: Fires a 1 0.05 % No
Fires a message 1 0.05 % No
a message to 1 0.05 % No
message to self 1 0.05 % No
to self for 1 0.05 % No
for the next 1 0.05 % No
self for the 1 0.05 % No
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next event This 1 0.05 % No
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SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
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slaves latest symlink 2 0.10 % No
最新文章 dev ops math 1 0.05 % No
to self for the 1 0.05 % No
path来安排一个item的GC,schedule负责添加新的 item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: Fires a 1 0.05 % No
item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: Fires a message 1 0.05 % No
Fires a message to 1 0.05 % No
a message to self 1 0.05 % No
message to self for 1 0.05 % No
for the next event 1 0.05 % No
self for the next 1 0.05 % No
外部系统调用scheduleDuration string path来安排一个item的GC,schedule负责添加新的 item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: 1 0.05 % No
the next event This 1 0.05 % No
next event This also 1 0.05 % No
event This also cancels 1 0.05 % No
This also cancels any 1 0.05 % No
also cancels any existing 1 0.05 % No
cancels any existing timer 1 0.05 % No
string path来安排一个item的GC,schedule负责添加新的 item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: Fires 1 0.05 % No

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Multimap<process::Timeout, PathInfo> paths; // We moreover need efficient lookup for a path, to determine whether // it exists in our paths mapping. hashmap<std::string, process::Timeout> timeouts; process::Timer timer; 上面是GC Process的数据结构,一个timer用作定时器,另外两个是GC的核心数据结构: paths是Timeout -> PathInfo的映射,timeouts是path->Timeout的映射。 外部系统调用schedule(Duration, string path)来安排一个item的GC,schedule()负责添加新的 item,并且也检查timer是否需要reset: // Fires a message to self for the next event. This moreover cancels any // existing timer. void GarbageCollectorProcess::reset() { Clock::cancel(timer); // Cancel the existing timer, if any. if (!paths.empty()) { Timeout removalTime = (*paths.begin()).first; // Get the first entry. timer = delay(removalTime.remaining(), self(), &Self::remove, removalTime); } else { timer = Timer(); // Reset the timer. } } reset的逻辑很明显,从path中取第一个Timeout时间,然后设置定时remove, 那么后面的paths怎么接着处理的呢? 我们查看remove的逻辑,发现最后一行是reset(), 这样就清楚了。(注意这么paths里面的Timeouts是有序的) gc_disk_headroom? 我们发现gc相关的有几个有意思的配置:–gc_disk_headroom, –disk_watch_interval, –gc_delay, 这几个参数是做什么的? 这几个参数是GC特定客户的逻辑,这里的特定用户指的是 checkDiskUsage: void Slave::_checkDiskUsage(const Future<double>& usage) { if (!usage.isReady()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get disk usage: " << (usage.isFailed() ? usage.failure() : "future discarded"); } else { executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge = age(usage.get()); LOG(INFO) << "Current disk usage " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(2) << 100 * usage.get() << "%." << " Max unliable age: " << executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge; // We prune all directories whose deletion time is within // the next 'gc_delay - age'. Since a directory is unchangingly // scheduled for deletion 'gc_delay' into the future, only directories // that are at least 'age' old are deleted. gc->prune(flags.gc_delay - executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge); } delay(flags.disk_watch_interval, self(), &Slave::checkDiskUsage); } 这里是直接使用prune这个接口: void GarbageCollectorProcess::prune(const Duration& d) { foreach (const Timeout& removalTime, paths.keys()) { if (removalTime.remaining() <= d) { LOG(INFO) << "Pruning directories with remaining removal time " << removalTime.remaining(); dispatch(self(), &GarbageCollectorProcess::remove, removalTime); } } } prune这个接口会立马删除在d以内的path。可以研究一下age的计算,也就是executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge: // TODO(vinod): Figure out a way to express this function via cmd line. Duration Slave::age(double usage) { return flags.gc_delay * std::max(0.0, (1.0 - flags.gc_disk_headroom - usage)); } 这里的逻辑是gc_disk_headroom越大,则age就越小;gc_disk_headroom越小,则age越大。 也就是说,Executor目录存放的时候,由disk usage决定。使用这个参数,可以实现:比如我们的disk usage还剩10%的时候会告警,这里可以设置成0.1或者保守点0.2, 就能够保证不会出现告警。 总结 总结一下, mesos GC有两套逻辑: 一个是基于gc_delay参数,相关gc的目录,会计算最后修改时间到当前时间间隔,gc_deplay-这个间隔,得到timer时间,timer到了会去清理该目录。另一个是checkDiskUsage的时候,只针对Executor目录,具体逻辑参考上面。 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. All content is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA Buit with Jekyll and 3-Jekyll theme • Hosted on Github Table of Contents