ivanjobs.github.io - Mesos 1.0.0 源码解析杂记

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Mesos 1.0.0 源码解析杂记 | Ivan的博客

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Title Mesos 1.0.0 源码解析杂记 | Ivan的博客
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Keywords cloud = Ceph const << Mesos executor Python void usage return disk mesos heartbeat slave launch stdoutfds run OpenStack environment flags
Keywords consistency
Keyword Content Title Description Headings
= 15
Ceph 14
const 13
<< 11
Mesos 8
executor 8
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 0 13 0 0 0
Images We found 1 images on this web page.

SEO Keywords (Single)

Keyword Occurrence Density
= 15 0.75 %
Ceph 14 0.70 %
const 13 0.65 %
<< 11 0.55 %
Mesos 8 0.40 %
executor 8 0.40 %
Python 7 0.35 %
void 7 0.35 %
usage 7 0.35 %
return 6 0.30 %
disk 5 0.25 %
mesos 5 0.25 %
heartbeat 4 0.20 %
slave 4 0.20 %
launch 4 0.20 %
stdoutfds 4 0.20 %
run 4 0.20 %
OpenStack 4 0.20 %
environment 4 0.20 %
flags 4 0.20 %

SEO Keywords (Two Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density
disk usage 5 0.25 %
to run 4 0.20 %
stdoutfds stderrfds 4 0.20 %
path argv 3 0.15 %
a command 3 0.15 %
include the 3 0.15 %
the slave 3 0.15 %
const SubprocessIO 3 0.15 %
the executor 3 0.15 %
= new 3 0.15 %
Ceph RGW 2 0.10 %
stderrfds if 2 0.10 %
slave>containerizer>launch containerId 2 0.10 %
= slave>containerizer>launch 2 0.10 %
launch = 2 0.10 %
const Duration 2 0.10 %
to the 2 0.10 %
Ceph v1023 2 0.10 %
Mesos 100 2 0.10 %
100 源码解析杂记 2 0.10 %

SEO Keywords (Three Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
executor>directory user slave>infoid 2 0.10 % No
stdoutfds stderrfds if 2 0.10 % No
disk usage << 2 0.10 % No
launch = slave>containerizer>launch 2 0.10 % No
= slave>containerizer>launch containerId 2 0.10 % No
Mesos 100 源码解析杂记 2 0.10 % No
executorInfo_ Modified to 2 0.10 % No
delayflagsdisk_watch_interval self SlavecheckDiskUsage 2 0.10 % No
stdinfds stdoutfds stderrfds 2 0.10 % No
Modified to include 2 0.10 % No
scheduler framework masterget 2 0.10 % No
slave>infoid slave>self infocheckpoint 2 0.10 % No
user slave>infoid slave>self 2 0.10 % No
to include the 2 0.10 % No
above executor>directory user 2 0.10 % No
see above executor>directory 2 0.10 % No
resources see above 2 0.10 % No
task's resources see 2 0.10 % No
include the task's 2 0.10 % No
framework masterget implicitAcknowledgements 2 0.10 % No

SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
scheduler framework masterget implicitAcknowledgements 2 0.10 % No
task's resources see above 2 0.10 % No
new MesosSchedulerDriver scheduler framework 2 0.10 % No
executorInfo_ Modified to include 2 0.10 % No
Modified to include the 2 0.10 % No
to include the task's 2 0.10 % No
include the task's resources 2 0.10 % No
the task's resources see 2 0.10 % No
stdinfds stdoutfds stderrfds if 2 0.10 % No
driver = new MesosSchedulerDriver 2 0.10 % No
resources see above executor>directory 2 0.10 % No
see above executor>directory user 2 0.10 % No
above executor>directory user slave>infoid 2 0.10 % No
executor>directory user slave>infoid slave>self 2 0.10 % No
user slave>infoid slave>self infocheckpoint 2 0.10 % No
MesosSchedulerDriver scheduler framework masterget 2 0.10 % No
= new MesosSchedulerDriver scheduler 2 0.10 % No
launch = slave>containerizer>launch containerId 2 0.10 % No
processinternalclosestdinfds stdoutfds stderrfds return 2 0.10 % No
will include the executor 1 0.05 % No

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Mesos 1.0.0 源码解析杂记 | Ivan的博客 最新文章 dev ops math algorithm personal 开始使用gtest 2018书单课单 2017年总结/2018年展望 寻找正确的语义[比赛总结] score_thresholder服务开发总结 Debug CPP Program On Ubuntu Modern CPP Developer Need To Know 汇编语言学习笔记 Mesos Quota 和 Reservation libprocess学习笔记 Consul使用笔记 SSH重新学习 Protocol buffers 代码入门 Mesos Slave 如何上报资源? Object Locator (Ceph) 探究笔记 librados接口使用 Ceph RGW Pools 浅析 在单机上搭建多Ceph集群 2016年总结/2017年展望 Dockerfile中RUN/CMD/ENTRYPOINT的区分 strace使用入门 Haystack论文学习笔记 Mesos关联配置 ZooKeeper概览 Ceph故障解析-filestore_merge_threshold 基于laravel+mysql的容器化DAL方案 vuejs使用小结1 Ceph新技能Get Ceph v10.2.3 RGW源码解析2 Ceph v10.2.3 RGW源码解析1 s3cmd使用说明 vuejs工具链简介 requirejs简介 mesos maintenance深度解析 可编程自动化输入方案(Mac下) Mesos Supress/Revive Offers测试 Mesos Offer生命周期杂记 MesosWage-earnerContainerizer分析 get started with createjs installment 1 notes mesos wage-earner /monitor/statistics返回数据业务意义 mesos master/messages_deactivate_frameworks 不生效? mesos /flags 403 forbidden? 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Future<double>(::fs::usage(flags.work_dir)) .onAny(defer(self(), &Slave::_checkDiskUsage, lambda::_1)); } void Slave::_checkDiskUsage(const Future<double>& usage) { if (!usage.isReady()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get disk usage: " << (usage.isFailed() ? usage.failure() : "future discarded"); } else { executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge = age(usage.get()); LOG(INFO) << "Current disk usage " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(2) << 100 * usage.get() << "%." << " Max unliable age: " << executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge; // We prune all directories whose deletion time is within // the next 'gc_delay - age'. Since a directory is unchangingly // scheduled for deletion 'gc_delay' into the future, only directories // that are at least 'age' old are deleted. gc->prune(flags.gc_delay - executorDirectoryMaxAllowedAge); } delay(flags.disk_watch_interval, self(), &Slave::checkDiskUsage); } 虽然Future和Promise博主还没有从本质上掌握,但从这里的代码,基本可以看出逻辑。Process初始化的时候, delay一个函数调用,函数调用里面最后再发起一个delay,这样就可以定时的检查磁盘用量。 agent向master注册自己 通过阅读agent的代码发现: Try<MasterDetector*> detector_ = MasterDetector::create( master, flags.master_detector); 通过创建一个MasterDetector来做Master的检测工作,而MasterDetector定义在Master文件夹中。 继续深入MasterDetector也没有什么好看的,如果没有指定zk的话,使用的是StandaloneMasterDetector, 否则就是使用zk来做Master检测。我们还得回头看看,这个MasterDetector创建了之后,是怎么用的。 我们继续看Agent Main的代码: Slave* slave = new Slave( id, flags, detector, containerizer.get(), &files, &gc, &statusUpdateManager, resourceEstimator.get(), qosController.get(), authorizer_); ok, detector作为一个引用,传递进了Slave的构造函数。 所以,我们得看看,在Slave Process中是如何使用detector的。 在Slave Process里有两个函数使用了detector: void Slave::detected(const Future<Option<MasterInfo>>& _master) void Slave::__recover(const Future<Nothing>& future) 最后发现,在recover的时候才会detect。 貌似Agent起来的时候就一定是RECOVERING的状态。 VersionProcess 在master和agent启动的时候,都会spawn一个VersionProcess, 这个VersionProcess到底是个什么鬼? void VersionProcess::initialize() { route("/", VERSION_HELP(), &VersionProcess::version); } Future<http::Response> VersionProcess::version(const http::Request& request) { return OK(internal::version(), request.url.query.get("jsonp")); } 原来是mesos设置了一个单独的Process来处理version的HTTP REST请求,参考: vanJobs:~/my/mesos-api-try/agent$ ./version.py {"build_date":"2016-08-01 15:11:35","build_time":1470035495.0,"build_user":"demo","git_sha":"c9b70582e9fccab8f6863b0bd3a812b5969a8c24","git_tag":"1.0.0","version":"1.0.0"}Wage-earnerRecovery 在Agent启动的最后,有一行代码: // Do recovery. async(&state::recover, metaDir, flags.strict) .then(defer(self(), &Slave::recover, lambda::_1)) .then(defer(self(), &Slave::_recover)) .onAny(defer(self(), &Slave::__recover, lambda::_1)); 可以看出,每次Agent启动都会尝试去Recover。那么Recover到底是个什么鬼? 这个Recovery看起来有些复杂,TBA。 Master->Framework Heartbeat 在Framework注册成功之后,Master会启动对Framework的heartbeat, 那么这个heartbeat是怎么实现的呢? 代码在master.cpp中: // This process periodically sends heartbeats to a scheduler on the // given HTTP connection. matriculation Heartbeater : public process::Process<Heartbeater> { public: Heartbeater(const FrameworkID& _frameworkId, const HttpConnection& _http, const Duration& _interval) : process::ProcessBase(process::ID::generate("heartbeater")), frameworkId(_frameworkId), http(_http), interval(_interval) {} protected: virtual void initialize() override { heartbeat(); } private: void heartbeat() { // Only send a heartbeat if the connection is not closed. if (http.closed().isPending()) { VLOG(1) << "Sending heartbeat to " << frameworkId; scheduler::Event event; event.set_type(scheduler::Event::HEARTBEAT); http.send(event); } process::delay(interval, self(), &Self::heartbeat); } const FrameworkID frameworkId; HttpConnection http; const Duration interval; }; 可以从上面的代码中看出基本逻辑,发送heartbeat的地方是http.send(event), 那么我们需要研究一下 http和event, TBA。 Framework启动过程 参考examples里的test_framework.cpp: suburbanite = new MesosSchedulerDriver( &scheduler, framework, master.get(), implicitAcknowledgements, credential); } else { framework.set_principal("test-framework-cpp"); suburbanite = new MesosSchedulerDriver( &scheduler, framework, master.get(), implicitAcknowledgements); } int status = driver->run() == DRIVER_STOPPED ? 0 : 1; // Ensure that the suburbanite process terminates. driver->stop(); 可以看出,启动一个Framework其实就是构造一个自己的Scheduler,然后传入到MesosSchedulerDriver的构造函数中, driver->run()一下。下面我们看一下driver->run()到底干了些什么事情: 多Framework的Offer竞态如何处理? 我们知道,一个ResourceOffer有可能提供给多个Framework, 某个Framework接受并在此Offer上运行Task, 另外的Framework就会收到Rescind消息表示该Offer已经撤销不能用了。那么这个过程到底是怎么样的? 我说的是精确的模型是什么? 在什么地方做的互斥和同步? Offer的Filters是什么 在阅读SchedulerDriver接口时发现,lauchTasks的时候会可选传入一个Filters,那么这个Filters在mesos的 模型里到底是什么语义? HTTP Framework和非HTTP Framework有什么不同? 在阅读mesos源码的过程中,在至少两处注释的地方看到HTTP Framework这个概念,那么究竟什么是HTTP Framework呢? 非HTTP Framework使用的是ShedulerDriver和master通信,而HTTP Framework使用的是Mesos这个类和Master通信。 对HTTP Framework有了进一步的认识,所谓HTTP Framework,意思就是实现Framework与Master交互的时候,完全通过Master暴露的HTTP API; 而非HTTP Framework则使用的是libmesos.so这个库,内部使用的是libprocess的跨进程通信,底层应该是socket。 Agent是怎样产生Executor的? 今天同事问了一个问题, 如何更新mesos的Executor? 因为暂时没有看到这一块的东西,所以临时补了一下。 Executor是我们自己写的一个可执行程序,最终表现成一个守护进程。而这个进程是有Agent产生的,那么怎么产生的呢? 由于Agent本身也是一个守护进程,可以猜测到底层是用了fork+exec,下面逐步从代码中论证。 首先Framework向Master发送lauchTask消息,Master会接着发送RunTaskMessage给Agent,Agent会调用 自身的Containerizer来launch Executor, 下面展示一段逻辑: // Launch the container. Future<bool> launch; if (!executor->isCommandExecutor()) { // If the executor is _not_ a writ executor, this ways that // the task will include the executor to run. The very task to // run will be enqueued and subsequently handled by the executor // when it has registered to the slave. launch = slave->containerizer->launch( containerId, executorInfo_, // Modified to include the task's resources, see above. executor->directory, user, slave->info.id(), slave->self(), info.checkpoint()); } else { // An executor has _not_ been provided by the task and will // instead pinpoint a writ and/or container to run. Right now, // these tasks will require an executor anyway and the slave // creates a writ executor. However, it is up to the // containerizer how to execute those tasks and the generated // executor info works as a placeholder. // TODO(nnielsen): Obsolete the requirement for executors to run // one-off tasks. launch = slave->containerizer->launch( containerId, taskInfo, executorInfo_, // Modified to include the task's resources, see above. executor->directory, user, slave->info.id(), slave->self(), info.checkpoint()); } 注释里有一段逻辑,如果当前的executor是command类型,那么直接使用bash或者一个容器来运行任务; 如果不是,那么就需要一个独立的executor来运行task,task会先排队,直到executor注册到slave之后, 才会处理task。底层是调用了containerizer里面的launcher, 最后会追踪到PosixLauncher: Try<pid_t> PosixLauncher::fork( const ContainerID& containerId, const string& path, const vector<string>& argv, const Subprocess::IO& in, const Subprocess::IO& out, const Subprocess::IO& err, const Option<flags::FlagsBase>& flags, const Option<map<string, string>>& environment, const Option<int>& namespaces, vector<process::Subprocess::Hook> parentHooks) { if (namespaces.isSome() && namespaces.get() != 0) { return Error("Posix launcher does not support namespaces"); } if (pids.contains(containerId)) { return Error("Process has once been forked for container " + stringify(containerId)); } // If we are on systemd, then proffer the life of the child. Any // grandchildren's lives will moreover be extended. #ifdef __linux__ if (systemd::enabled()) { parentHooks.emplace_back(Subprocess::Hook(&systemd::mesos::extendLifetime)); } #endif // __linux__ Try<Subprocess> child = subprocess( path, argv, in, out, err, SETSID, flags, environment, None(), parentHooks); 大体的逻辑是传入可执行程序路径、标准输入输出错误、环境变量、flags等等新建一个子进程, 我们继续追踪一下subprocess这个接口,看它底层究竟是怎么做的。 #ifndef __WINDOWS__ Try<pid_t> pid = internal::cloneChild( path, argv, set_sid, environment, _clone, parent_hooks, working_directory, watchdog, stdinfds, stdoutfds, stderrfds); if (pid.isError()) { return Error(pid.error()); } process.data->pid = pid.get(); #else Try<PROCESS_INFORMATION> processInformation = internal::createChildProcess( path, argv, environment, stdinfds, stdoutfds, stderrfds); if (processInformation.isError()) { process::internal::close(stdinfds, stdoutfds, stderrfds); return Error( "Could not launch child process" + processInformation.error()); } if (processInformation.get().dwProcessId == -1) { // Save the errno as 'close' unelevated might overwrite it. ErrnoError error("Failed to clone"); process::internal::close(stdinfds, stdoutfds, stderrfds); return error; } process.data->processInformation = processInformation.get(); process.data->pid = processInformation.get().dwProcessId; #endif // __WINDOWS__ 可以看出libprocess在底层,对windows和unix体系分开处理。我们继续跟踪cloneChild: 这里就不贴代码了,最底层使用了linux系统调用clone,这种和fork类似,但是附带一些共享内存和文件描述符的功能, 在linux下常常用来实现线程。 Executor可执行文件是怎么被下载的? 我们知道Executor一般是一个可执行文件,可供Agent下载到本地执行,那么这段逻辑在哪里?另外,如果 我的Executor更新了,如果实时通知Agent更新?有了上面一个dive做铺垫,我们继续挖掘clone一个Executor传入的可执行文件路径, 看这个路径是怎么产生的。 Composing Containerizers 如果我们启动Agent的时候,设置–containerizers这个flag为多个值得时候,就会使用Composing Containerizer。 那么这个Composing Containerizer是什么鬼? 这里的Composing Containerizer实现的是compose模式,也没啥大不了的,也就是在多个Containerizer上面封装了一层, 不同的Task来,使用不同的Containerizer。 如何使用mesos自带的executor? 其实一直没有搞清楚如何使用mesos自己的executor。运行example里的Framework,其实都是自带的executor。今天终于搞清楚如何使用mesos-docker-executor了。 首先在Agent启动的时候,需要支持docker。其次在Framework实现任务分发的时候,对于TaskInfo我们把Executor留空,并且设置ContainerInfo和Command的值,这样 就可以定义一个在特定image里执行某条命令的docker container化得任务了。 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. 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